Suggested topics for panels & discussions
- China’s socio-economic transformation and its impacts on industrial relations and the transformation of labour relations in Europe
- The impact of China’s economic rise on labour relations and the labour/union movements in Europe
- Realities of labour and protection of labour rights in China and Europe
- Chinese migrant workers (including migration-, class- and gender-perspectives) and some comparisons with the situation of migrants in Europe
- Specific situation of working women in China and Europe
- Reports on recent labour disputes in China and some comparisons with Europe
- Perspectives of solidarity of labour and civil cooperation between China and Europe
- What are the common interests of workers in Europe and China?
- Perspectives on the trade-union work in China & Europe and possibilities for cooperation
Institut für Politikwissenschaft
Universität Wien
Universitätsstrasse 7/2. Stock
1010 Wien
Universität Wien
Universitätsstrasse 7/2. Stock
1010 Wien